Cushion Kids
Cushion Kids is a computer-animated television show produced by Endemol that is seen daily on Tiny Pop. It is created by Hi-5, and is about five kids who are cushions. The setting takes place in a place known as Cushion Land.
- Polly Posh: a cushion who likes things very posh and neat and does not like messes.
- Cosmo: a talented inventor played by Anthony Grundy.
- Rapping River: the talking river who solves the Cushions' problems with riddles and cool bop music.
- Grumpy Lumpy: a very grumpy postman played by John Leary.
- Pippa: a cusion who gets into trouble all the time.
- Baz: a talented surfer that has a bath once a year and lazy to tidy.
- Bubs: a baby cushion who likes to disturb played by Meaghan Davies.
- Zip: a bird cushion who has a birdseye view